
We have prepared the alib2dummy library to be a starting point for your first addition to the project. It contains an example datatype and algorithm for you to play with.

You can (re)use alib2dummy for your experiments with ALT straight away.

Example of adding your datatype and algorithm

The alib2dummy library features a playground so you can easily develop your new datatypes and/or algorithms. In the alib2dummy/src/example folder you shall find a simple datatype called DataType and CreateDataType algorithm. The unit tests for this datatype and algorithm is located in the alib2dummy/test-src/example folder.

Example datatype

The DataType class is really simple and not worth of any explaining. The important part is located in DataType.cpp file. The following excerpt of code registers the std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream&, const example::DataType& ) function as a ValuePrinter for DataType class. This is used for printing in the CLI. You can see more examples of registering ValuePrinters in PrimitiveRegistrator.cpp file.

auto valuePrinter = registration::ValuePrinterRegister < example::DataType > ( );

In the xml subfolder you can also see how to implement and register simple XML serializator and deserializator for your datatype.

Example algorithm

The algorithms we present in CreateDataType module are (again) very simple. They just create the DataType object. The important lesson is that all the algorithms are implemented as public static functions in the class.

In order to register the algorithms (for use in CLI, webUI, …) see the following excerpt from CreateDataType.cpp:

auto create1 = registration::AbstractRegister < example::CreateDataType, example::DataType > ( example::CreateDataType::create );
auto create2 = registration::AbstractRegister < example::CreateDataType2, example::DataType, int > ( example::CreateDataType2::create );
auto create3 = registration::AbstractRegister < example::CreateDataType2, example::DataType, double > ( example::CreateDataType2::create );

The lines here represent registrations of three algorithms (it can also be 3 different registrations or the same algorithm) specified in the parentheses. The template parameters to AbstractRegister are as follows:

  • Name of the algorithm class. This will be the name of the algorithm in the CLI.
  • Return type. All our algorithms return an object of example::DataType class
  • Types of parameters. The first algorithm has no parameters, the following algorithms accept one int and one double, respectively. Note that the registration with double parameter actually calls the templated create function.

You can now verify the registration in the CLI using introspect algorithms or introspect overloads commands. If you do not see the algorithms there, check that you have linked aql against alib2dummy library or preload the shared library using something like aql2.

There are also some overloads for the registration. You can specify the documentation and names of the parameters so the CLI’s introspect commands can help tell you more. You can set the docs like this:

auto create3 = registration::AbstractRegister < example::CreateDataType2, example::DataType, double > ( example::CreateDataType2::create, "val" ).setDocumentation("Creates an object of DataType class with specified value\n\n@param val value passed to DataType\n@return DataType object with its value equal to val";